Friday, September 30, 2011

Blobbing about Blogs?

I love to rhetorically analyze things; thus, I have decided to do a rhetorical analysis on this blog post
The rhetoric situation of this blog is focusing on why mormon "mommy blogs" are so uplifting for everyday people who may or may not have religious focuses in their lives. 
1.The author is trying to show that even though her ideas of faith (or lack thereof) are inherently different from mormons, they do not seem to diminish her fascination with the messages that mormons present in their  blogs, and she appreciates their positive attitude; she wants to share her experience to persuade others to read them.
2. The author uses several different tools of logic (logos) to strengthen her argument.  For instance, she says that mormons are so good at blogging because "Church elders have long encouraged members to keep regular journals for the dual purposes of historical record-keeping and promoting spiritual insight, and as a result Mormons are champion journalers and scrapbookers," which only makes sense. The author also uses emotional connection to improve her argument through examples of her personal experience in reading mormon mommy blogs.
3. These tools that the author uses in this blog helps the audience believe that since she has had such a positive outcome with reading mormon blogs, that they too can feel the "uplifting" experience that she has.  Also, the author helps the audience think that in a general sense, people do not have to have the same beliefs, to raise each other up and encourage good morals.
4. The author needs the audience/reader to think, feel, and believe in her blog because she feels so strongly about the subject of being a feminist-athiest, but that she is able to read something by someone of completely opposite beliefs; she just wants to help others know that they can fall into the same category.

All in all, I think this blog is very interesting.  Mostly because I, myself, am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon religion), and I think it intriguing that this woman has been so affected from reading from members of my same faith and feels the obligation to share that with others.  I just think that that is a pretty cool trend of blogging about others blogs-- kind of weird, but still cool. (I'm a hypocrite, obviously. hahaha!)


  1. This is a cool blog. I'm kinda excited to see your analysis of it.

  2. This is a very interesting analysis. Very interested when the analysis is done.

  3. Thank you both! I just hope Chris is alright with me expounding on this subject. Hah ;)

  4. This is definitely an interesting blog post to analyze. I'm a bit worried that the persuasive point is too subtle, but its there on some level at least and I'm willing to see this through--so you have the go-ahead from me. I'd like to see where this goes.
