Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Conceited Porpoise (This Title has No Relation to the Topic)

Ever find yourself getting paranoid over things? (Please, do not respond to that question.) Let me expound on that thought, though. I notice, sometimes, that I haven't had something happen in awhile, and then that topic/thing starts popping up everywhere. For instance, this summer I went with some friends to go on a river float and one of them mentioned the fact that they bruise easily.  I had thought about it for a second.  "I don't really bruise that often," I proceeded to comment.  Little did I know, then, that I was later going to fall in the river and get several bruises on my leg, as well as, get 2 huge bruises on my arm the next day from climbing up a stairwell (long story, but there's one of the two bruises below). 
Needless to say, I was surprised after receiving so many apparent injurious bruises, that nobody called me out for being a "bruise-easy hypocrite."  Of course, I am not sure if people want to point out bruises on a person, especially if they are to the point that they look as if someone was beating them (touchy subject, I won't expound on.) 

BUT IT DID NOT END THERE! Yeah, I thought that it was kind of weird to get bruises after thinking that I rarely get them, but seriously. Now, it seems like I cannot go an entire week without getting a new bruise to replace the last one to start fading. I honestly believe I have had about 17 bruises in the last 2 months, not even joking. I just got my newest one from volleyball last Friday. 
I think it might continue on forever at this rate. It is actually a VERY big deal.  (Actually, it really isn't.)  Anyways! So, enough about my silly little bruises and observations. I would like to hear about YOU.  Have you ever had a similar situation to this? Not necessarily the bruises thing, but just something that involved you noticing some particular object that kept appearing in your life? Maybe you would always run into a certain cat every day or end up parking next to the same type of car all the time... who knows! Just, SHARE IT! :D


  1. I actually can relate very well to this. I seem to have brought a stop light curse upon myself. I told a friend that I always get the green light. Sadly, I am now well known among my friends for ALWAYS hitting EVERY light. True story.

  2. Hahaha! That is fantastic! Not in the sense that I think it is cool for you to hit every red light, but that you can relate. I actually had a long time in my life where I would find myself driving behind some type of honda civic everywhere I went. I started taking pictures, and I'm pretty sure I got about 50 different occurences-- pretty awesome.Thank you for sharing!

  3. So a re-occuring object huh? When I was a kid, my mom used to always put this troll that I hate everywhere in the house. Sometimes I would find it either in my bed or in my lunch box, or in my back pack, or any location you can think of.

  4. I hate when I find huge bruises that hurt so much and people come up and push them, and I have no idea where they came from or when I got them. Mysterious bruises. You think you would remember hurting yourself somewhere to explain the bruise that's a size of a baseball.

  5. Wow that's karma for you. It's like on the mission when my companion said that he had never been mugged. Then two days later we were mugged! I truly believe that we can influence things with our words and assumptions. Like where you sit at a game or what color your shirt is can totally make a difference. Although it didn't work to well with BYU last night!

  6. Hahahaha! those are all fantastic stories! I totally agree with the shirt color and mugging type of thing. One summer, I made fun of my sister for breaking her arm and literally five minutes later I broke my arm. It was a sad day for me.

  7. It seems that as we say or think about things that never happen to us we start noticing those exact things in our lives. For example on my mission a missionary pointed out a car that I had never seen before that was a pretty ugly car, and sure enough the next day I started seeing those cars everywhere! It drove me insane!

  8. Andy, the fact that you used the phrase, "drove me insane," is fantastic because you were referring to cars. Did you realize that when you posted that?
